Raphael Sanneh would like the oportunity to volunteer at a hostel

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    • #15030
      Alice Lockett

      I am currently studying for a Masters in Management in La Rochelle Business School in France. One of the reasons which made me chose this school is that we have the opportunity to carry out 9 week placement, called ‘Cap Anglophone’, where we can volunteer or work in an English speaking country in order to improve our language skills and learn more about the culture there.
      We have had this message at the IHUK office:

      I’m very keen to volunteer in your youth hostel. I wish to do it on a full-time basis for 9 weeks this winter from December 2017 to February 2018. My English teacher, Cathy Harden, has already sent some students to volunteer for you. She gave me your contact details in order for me to make the same experience. England is a country that i find fascinating, i always enjoy meeting new people and experience cultural differences.
      I have many skills who could be useful to you, i was a receptionist during one year, i have taken care of different tasks and mission (Motel administration, Welcome in custumers, selling and packing operation). In addition of all my other experiences, I’m a holiday camp activity leader since 2013. Therefore i can manage groups of children of any age.
      I would welcome the opportunity to share and open my mind to new challenges. During my adventure with you, i want to improve my level of English, discover a new culture, and finally help the community i’ll be part of within the youth hostel.
      Tkank you for you consideration and please feel free to contact me at any time for any further information regarding the ‘Cap Anglophone’ project.
      Kinds regards
      Yours faithfully
      Raphaël SANNEH
      [email protected]

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