The Channel Islands are a group of islands in the English Channel, closer to France than the UK. The Islands are called Jersey, Guernsey, Sark, Alderney and Herm. They have a huge tidal range which creates large beaches at low tide ideal for rock pools and sea bathing. The coastal cliff paths are a wonderful resource for walkers and the roads are quiet for cycling. There are miles of lanes and byways to be explored. You can also sea kayak and skydive on the islands.
Jersey & the Channel Islands
Here is a map of Jersey and the Channel Islands showing the locations of all the bunkhouses, camping barns & hostels in Independent Hostels UK.
The main town on the island of Jersey is St. Helier. In the sheltered English channel and benefiting from the gulf stream the island has warm summers and mild winters. Surrounded by dark seas it is easy to leave the towns behind and enjoy star gazing into truly dark skies. The Martello Towers, which were built to keep out the French army, are scattered around the island and mark interesting points to explore.
Island hopping is a great way to see the Channel islands. Guernsey is a good base for this with boats to the smaller islands daily in the summer.