Looking to buy a hostel

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    • #254949
      Penny Macgregor

      We’re a couple in our early 50s making the move back to the hills or the sea to run a hostel.
      Looking for a doer-upper or to take on an affordable hostel that’s ready for some new blood.
      Budget is £400K max and we’d need to live on site. Ideally scope to organically grow a camping pod/outdoors section, so grounds a bonus. I know it’s a stretch for budget but might as well dream.
      I’ve got the YHA list but they’re not making it easy to progress. So other ideas welcome.
      Would love especially to look after walkers, so a big trail footfall would be perfect.
      Would consider any geography. Have connection to Wales, Yorkshire and the SW.
      Thank you!
      Aly King-Smith
      Email: [email protected]

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