Yorkshire Dales Dark Skies Festival

The Yorkshire Dales National Park was designated an International Dark Sky Reserve in 2020. Each February there is a Dark Skies Festival in the Yorkshire Dales – Chapel Gallery Bunkhouse is well placed for lots of the events, and we have availability over most of these dates.

With some of the darkest skies in the country, having a large area of unpolluted night sky where it’s possible to see thousands of stars, the Milky Way, meteors, and even the Northern Lights the Yorkshire Dales is an amazing place to come to star gaze! Even a drive along the main roads at night-time can be as spectacular as the daytime – Fleet Moss, Buttertubs, Newby Head Pass…. There are events at Ribblehead Viaduct, walks up Ingleborough, night time fell runs, crafting at the Dales Countryside Museum, pizza and planet trail for the children with Stage 1 Cycles…..just to mention a few!!
Photo by Pete Collins (Diamond Skies) – can be bought in the Gallery above the Bunkhouse

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Exterior of Chapel Gallery Bunkhouse

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