Run, cycle and swim. Maybe all at the same time?

PERMANENTLY CLOSED ON 3rd MARCH 2024. Our guests include many different types of sporting groups.

We have many groups staying here who are coming to take part in specific cycling, running or open water swimming events, as well as for club training.
One of the groups we had staying with us recently was from Cumbernauld Amateur Athletics Club. They were here for a weekend training camp including team building. 76 club members, most of which were young people under the age of 18, travelled across the border from Scotland. As well as orienteering, treasure hunting, dragon boat racing and much, much more there was also some athletics to be getting on with. On the Saturday 71 members of the club competed in the 5km Keswick Park Run. This is a club record for the number of athletes competing in the one race.
We were able to provide the perfect base for them, with good home made food, hot showers, and plenty of space inside and outside for their activities.