We don’t often shout about our Eco credentials, we have just always tried to live lightly and have as little impact on our beautiful natural environment as possible.
The steps we take include generating our own electricity using solar panels and we heat hot water using solar thermal systems. We are currently working to introduce a ground source heat pump system for the central heating in the accommodation instead of using gas. We drive electric vehicles and have an EV charging station available for customers who might need one. Waste is a big issue for the planet these days so we try to do our bit by being conscientious about what we consume, buying locally as much as possible, using ethical retailers and reusing, up cycling and recycling wherever we can. We have a “straw bale urinal” on the campsite which saves water, keeps the queues down at the loos and creates compost for the garden. We keep hens and pigs and grow lots of lovely veggies and use this produce when catering for our groups as much as possible. Last year we introduced the “Meat Free Monday” initiative so all of our catered groups have at least one day during their stay where they don’t eat any meat. We hope all these small steps go some way to acknowledging the climate emergency that our planet faces as well as making our accommodation centre a welcoming and thought provoking place to visit.
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