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Late availability at the Iconic Hostel in the Woods, Derbyshire!

shining cliff youth hostel in the woods

Availability for sole hire or book a bed/room on the 24th-26th January due to a cancellation. Sole use is £280 per night. Book a bed prices are £15 per adult, £7.50 per child, under 5’s stay free.

Shining Cliff hostel is situated off-road in Shining Cliff Woods, Ambergate, Derbyshire. It has 20 beds in 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms with showers, a well equipped self-catering kitchen, open plan dining and lounge area. There are two outdoor fire pits in the hostel grounds. Please see for more information or call Kate on 07794268059.

Find out more about Shining Cliff Hostel
shining cliff youth hostel in the woods

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