Lake District 300yr old Quaker Meeting House & Bunkbarn

Come and stay in the converted stables (16 beds) at Rookhow Grade II* listed 300 year old Quaker Meeting House. A favourite for yoga and mindfulness retreats with 12 acres of its own ancient woodland

Steeped in history, with huge wooden doors, old wooden benches, 1725 spice cupboard and a key the size of a trowel. Quakers have been meeting her for 300 years. We welcome people of any faith or none to Rookhow to share in this very special place.

Here’s what our guests say:
“The energy there is very magical, holding and beautiful” (Home schools group).
“Each time, I have come away enriched, calmed, energised and with a renewed sense of my place and purpose in the world.” (teacher).
“I love Rookhow. There are no phones and there’s a big wood, yummy food and nice people. There is tarpaulin where you can make dens. I love the big meeting house, I just like its bigness.” (L, aged 10)

Find out more about Rookhow
White centre building and stone building among the trees. Photo taken from the air

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