Euro Hostels’ VIP Suites are ideal for groups visiting Glasgow for a spot of Christmas Shopping or a New Years Eve celebration
Euro Hostels’ VIP Suites are ideal for groups visiting Glasgow for a spot of Christmas Shopping or a New Years Eve celebration. Glasgow Euro Hostels VIP-luxury suites sleep 6,8,10 or 14 person. They have their own lounge with entry to the first floor outside terrace. Glasgow loves Christmas, it is the perfect place for stylish shopping and has a superb Christmas events programme. Shop for gifts on Glasgow’s fabulously festive Style Mile, be dazzled by the new twinkling Christmas lights and the magnificent tree on George Square or visit the Glasgow Christmas Markets – there’s two to choose from this year! Here’s a list of what’s happening when and where this festive season: Christmas Markets – St Enoch Square, November 9 – December 22Christmas Markets – George Square, November 25 – December 29Style Mile Christmas Carnival – City Centre, November 26Blessing of the Crib – George Square, December 7Baby’s First Christmas – City Chambers, December 2Santa Dash – George Square, December 10.