When you book a stay at Carrshield Camping Barn you can enjoy some wonderful sights when strolling the fells and moors above Carrshield.
From our doorstep there are a series of walks, or runs, already prepared for you to follow as you explore the ‘Last Wilderness in England’ as the local North Pennines NL claims. Not only could you get wonderful weather formations, watching the sun rise over Killhope Law and set over southern Scotland. But there are the vast open spaces with views across Northumberland to The Cheviot Hills in one direction then looking over the Pennine ridge to Skiddaw and Blencathra in the Lake District.
The building is a restored Mine Shop that was used by local lead mines and was once the largest in the southern Northumberland. Now it is an Ancient Scheduled Monument that you can enjoy. With multi-fuel stoves in each room and a supply of logs you will be warm and cosy even in the depths of winter.
We still have vacancies throughout the winter so if you would like to have an adventure start by booking direct from our website. To help with the cost of living we have even kept our prices at last year’s level.
Looking forward to seeing you soon.