Stay at Arnside Indpendent Hostel as you explore.
Arnside Independent Hostel advertises itself as being in ‘South Cumbria’, which it is, but if your thoughts are turned towards The Lake District, then you’ll miss out on all that’s close at hand.
Tucked away in a picturesque corner of Morecambe Bay, looking over the water to Grange Over Sands – the iconic low viaduct sometimes carries steam train – it is a coastal village to rival any. The Arnisde and Silverdale AONB is centred around the satisfying climb of Arnside Knott and houses RSPB’s Leighton Moss reserve. Leighton Moss is a bit of a jewel for coastal birds. Its got the largest reedbeds in Europe which give shelter to some star species like Bitterns, Marsh Harriers and Avocets.
Arnside Independent Hostel nestles comfortable amongst all this. Stone built and covered in ivy, it has a quaint and slightly studious vibe. A recent visitor wrote: “this hostel is the best I have ever stayed in, courtesy of my wife’s life membership. Quiet, comfortable, beautiful setting, lovely staff and a beautiful ginger cat. Can’t recommend it too highly !”