Hostels are great for all ages and interests

PERMANENTLY CLOSED ON 3rd MARCH 2024. What an exciting and varied couple of weeks we’ve had, with such a range of different groups and types of people staying in the hostel.

Last weekend we had a great weekend with a wedding reception for an Australian Bride and an English-Welsh Groom, so guests from all over the world stayed with us. And they brought their bouncy castles…
We have also had a local Heritage group visiting the hostel for lunch and a guided tour of our Grade II listed building this week and the local church group came for one of their regular coffee mornings.
The previous weekend we had two different fund raising groups staying; one was a 3-peak challenge team from Jersey raising money for an Autism charity, and the other were doing an overnight challenge involving cycling, mountain walking and kayaking raising money for the RSPCA whilst one of our regular families came to take part in the Keswick Triathlon. Virgin Active came to stay this week on a team-building/training visit and successfully conquered the Via Ferrata at Honister and had a refreshing time gorge scrambling!

We’ve also had visits from three of our regular schools, two primary and one secondary.
And it also seems to be Australian and New Zealand season with lots of visitors from both countries.
Phew! After all that we think we need a bit of a lie down… It’s been great fun though, meeting all of our amazing guests.

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a grand georgian mansion

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