Treetop Backpackers,

  • rood terrance at bristol backpackers hostel treetops
  • dining room at bristol backpackers hostel treetops
  • kitchen at bristol backpackers hostel treetops
  • kitchen with high stools at
  • reception at bristol backpackers hostel treetops
  • roof terrace at bristol backpackers hostel treetops
  • bedroom at bristol backpackers hostel treetops
  • bedroom at bristol backpackers hostel treetops
  • dining room at bristol backpackers hostel treetops
  • bathroom at bristol backpackers hostel treetops


This bougie new hostel, freshly developed in Bristol, is looking for a business partner or leaseholder to be the welcoming host in these sparkling new surroundings.

The Hostel has a capacity of 30 beds (27 if one room were taken by the manager or couple). There is an independent cafe underneath, a great stop for breakfasts and midday snacks.
OPENING DATE TO BE ANNOUNCED. This bougie new hostel, freshly developed in Bristol, is looking for a business partner to be the welcoming host in these sparkling new surroundings. The Hostel has a capacity of 30 beds. There is an independent cafe underneath, a great stop for breakfasts and midday snacks.

This bougie new hostel, freshly developed in Bristol, is looking for a business partner or leaseholder to be the welcoming host in these sparkling new surroundings.

The Hostel has a capacity of 30 beds (27 if one room were taken by the manager or couple). There is an independent cafe underneath, a great stop for breakfasts and midday snacks.

This accommodation is featured on our map of Devon, Cornwall and the West Country.


  • Beds & Rooms:

    35 beds in five rooms (with manager or a couple taking one room)
  • Open:

    Opening date to be announced
  • Price per night:

    To be confirmed
  • Booking:

    Online booking will be available
This accommodation is featured on the following pages
Close to a Pub Individuals welcome Urban Hostels Bristol


aMixed dormitories
bSingle sex dormitories
cPrivate rooms
dBedding provided
gFully heated
oMeals available locally
kSelf catering facilities


News & Offers from Treetop Backpackers

Would you like to be a hostel manager or business owner in Bristol?

November 1st 2023

This is an opportunity to get in at the start of a new business. You could become a partner in a joint venture or lease the hostel and create your own business.

The Backpackers Hostel is based in Bristol, Gloucester Road. It is newly developed and ready to open.

The Hostel has a capacity of 30 beds (27 if one room is taken by the manager or couple). There is an independent cafe underneath which is leased separately.

This is an ideal opportunity for someone highly skilled in the business side of running a backpacker hostel and managing people.  Knowledge of using hotel management software, Salto keyless locks, ordering stock and organising people would all be useful.

You have the option of becoming a self-sufficient manager/couple with the responsibility of running the hostel and and oportunity to make an investment in it. In return, you will receive a salary and a share of the profits.

Or you could lease the premises and create your own hostel business.

Design Details Available Here.

Contact Email:   [email protected]

floor plans of new hostel on gloucester road n bristol

designers drawing of hostel room in bristol hostel that is looking for manager or investor
Latest News
rood terrance at bristol backpackers hostel treetops

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