Puttenham Barn part of IHUK's Hoste a Blogger Scheme

Hostels and bunkhouses in our Host a Blogger scheme have indicated they are willing to provide discounted accommodation to a blogger in return for a travel article about their accommodation on the IHUK blog.

Each visit is agreed between the hostel and the blogger with IHUK acting as the intermediary. A host is never obliged to take a blogger and we have 95% success for receiving the text and photos after the visit.  

The blog is not a review, it is story about someone’s holiday and the things they did in the area. A blog is published on our homepage, announced on social media and featured on the accommodation’s own page.

Guidelines for the discounts are:- a free night’s accommodation for a single blogger; a night’s accommodation at half price for a family or couple; or a 25% reduction on the first night for a group.  At quiet times some hostels and bunkhouses offer a larger discount to attract a blogger.

Readers like to hear about people’s holiday experiences and Google loves new text and photos.

To provide this extra content IHUK has a team of travel writers and photographers who blog for us as part of their holidays.   These articles are featured our homepage and on the accommodations feature,  promoted on our social media and indexed by google.

The blog is not a review, it is story about someone’s holiday and the things they did in the area. Google notices the names of local attractions, landmarks and activities in the blog and each blog is linked to the hostel or bunkhouse where the blogger stayed.

You can also ask one of your guests to write a blog about their holiday and send it to us.  All we need is around 600 words of text and some cheerful photos.

Hostels taking part in IHUK's Host a Blogger scheme