Electric Bike Network in the Lakes District

There are Electric Bike Networks in nine beautiful areas across the UK, mostly national parks. We came across the Lake District Network on a holiday in Grasmere, Cumbria.

There are Electric Bike Networks in nine beautiful areas across the UK, mostly national parks.  We came across the Lake District Network on a holiday in Grasmere, Cumbria.  We noticed the electric bike and charge station in our hostel’s car park and some electric bikes available for hire.

Hostel with electric bike charge points
Hostel, where you can hire and charge electric bikes.

Electric Bikes were available for hire at the hostel and inside there were leaflets showing the charge points around the Lake District Network.  There are well over 50 charge points and the best bit is that these are often at cafes and pubs where you are likely to want to charge your electric bike while you stop for a break.  There were also charge points at some tourist attractions.  So you could go by electric bike to your Steamer Cruise and your electric bikes would be fully charged and ready for home when you’ve finished.  What an excellent idea!  There was even charge points at outdoor activity providers, so you could use an electric bike to get to you climbing session and be fit and green.   Using these networks the electric bikes become more than just an activity in themselves, they become a form of transport.  They really do take one more car off the road (not a bad idea in the Lakes).

Caroline and Taylor riding electric bikes
Caroline and Taylor riding electric bikes


Electric bikes from £15 per day outside Thorney How Hostel
Electric bikes for hire

In March 2014 the Electric Bike Network was sold to A2B a well-known manufacturer of e-bikes.  Hopefully, A2B will continue to grow the networks, they certainly have the motive and experience. So that just leaves us to thank Steve Garidis (co-founder of the Electric Bicycle Network) and his partners for starting a great green transportation alternative in these beautiful locations.

There are many Eco hostels in the Independent Hostel Network.  Map of Eco Hostels: Green Accommodation in Hostels and Bunkhouses