After seeing Bounce Below, a cavern with a trampoline floor at Penrhy Slate Quarry, on a Facebook page – I decided the kids would love it (not me of course – but I could get my other half, Joe, to Read the full article…
After seeing Bounce Below, a cavern with a trampoline floor at Penrhy Slate Quarry, on a Facebook page – I decided the kids would love it (not me of course – but I could get my other half, Joe, to join in). So I booked – now I needed somewhere to stay. Bounce Below is at Bethesda in Snowdonia , a quick search of the area on the IHG map of Snowdonia and I found CABAN CYSGU GERLAN BUNKHOUSE. I spoke to the warden, Dewi, and found he had room. We headed off to North Wales on Thursday afternoon. We had time to stop off at the beautiful Conwy Castle on the way. A fantastic castle worth the trip on its own, some great towers to climb for spectacular views.

On to the bunkhouse through some stunning scenery and a sheep induced traffic jam. We had codes to get in the door so parked our stuff and had a look round. The bunkhouse is also the local village hall – so it has a decent sized kitchen and – wonderful for the kids – a hall that had a sponge ball – so a lot of indoor football was played! Joe decided he wanted to eat out – so we spotted an advert for an Italian restaurant on the noticeboard – and off we went to Bangor. We parked at the pier and than had a lovely walk (run/kids) down the pier which we had the luxury of having entirely to ourselves. In the car park at the start of the pier is an unassuming little restaurant ‘Pulcinella’ which serves good Italian food – and fantastically – has a playground right outside the door so the kids can run off and play. A lovely dinner and off back to the bunkhouse – which we also had all to ourselves – for a comfy night.

Day two: Our wedding anniversary
So we had booked something my husband has always wanted to do – Snowdon Mountain Railway in Snowdonia. We got there with plenty of time – and introduced the kids to Ivor the Engine – in the little movie Theatre they have. The railway is expensive – but stunning – the views are wonderful/ breathtaking – all of those type of words. Until you get to the top – then its cloud – but when that cloud breaks for a few seconds – it’s amazing.

Back to the bunkhouse via Tesco as we decided to have a video night – ordered Indian takeaway from the Village – which was fab and set up the village hall comfy chairs into a little cinema to watch Paddington!

Day three: Bounce Below
After a little hiccup getting there late they all went off to bounce – and had a wonderful hour. At £20 each it is actually really reasonable and the kids said 1 hour is long enough as it is exhausting but really thrilling. As they bounce I looked around and of spotted the Zip Wip, also at Bounce Below! The worlds 2nd biggest 1750metres Zip wire experience. Couldn’t resist – walked in and found out that on a good day they can take a few walk ons for each session – so I booked (not me! The other half again!) and my two eldest kids. Lunch was followed by them all going off to the zip wire – which they all absolutely loved.

After all the excitement we headed back to the bunkhouse and decided dinner was one of the kids favorite things – head into a superstore and choose ANYTHING!
We did really well for the weather until going home day which was cold and really blowy so we just headed back – but wow – what a fun and activity packed time we had – would thoroughly recommend North Wales and Caban Cysgu – thanks to Dewi and Caban Cycgu for the warm welcome and the relaxed attitude to the kids playing sponge football inside.