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Independent hostels and bunkhouses in the UK have varying levels of accessibility. If you’re a traveller with mobility issues, this page will help you find accommodation suits your needs.
To make the options as wide as possible we are gathering details about all levels of accessible features, from fully accessible to the provision of just one accessible feature.
New places are being added all the time, so check back for updates.
Accessible accommodation
Accessible Accommodation in Hostels and Bunkhouses
Independent hostels and bunkhouses have a variety of levels of accessibility. Often there is an accessible bedroom and some hostels are accessible throughout the building.
Some of our hostels are committed to providing fully accessible accommodation.
Traditionally all accommodation with some level of accessibility was indicated in this guide with a wheelchair symbol. From summer 2021 onwards we are only using this symbol where we have full information on the accessibility, and this information is shown with a link from the symbol.
All levels of accessibility are included where we can display information. This is to enable as many places as possible to be used by those with less complex physical requirements.
We recommend that you talk directly with the accommodation staff to make sure that your needs can be properly met.
We are adding new places every day, so keep checking back for updates.
Accessible Accommodation for people with Dietary requirements, allergies or Diabetes.
The self catering kitchens at hostels and bunkhouses makes hostels accessible for people who need flexibility or control over the ingredieants in their meals.