Orkney is built up of 70 islands with an ancient heritage in the most northern part of the UK. Orkney can be spellbinding and welcoming, a visit is never forgotten, and each spring Equinox Spiritual Orkney hosts a celebration at the Ring of Brodgar.
Spring is very obvious in Orkney, with the dark days getting lighter, hares boxing and song birds courting. Spiritual Orkney welcomes anyone who wishes to come to a celebration of the Spring at the Ring of Brodgar on the Spring Equinox (20th March in 2017). The celebration is based on ancient words but it is inclusive to those of all religions and none. A great place to stay for your visit to Orkney Brown Hostel in Stromness, a short cycle ride from the Ring of Brodgar.
There is no charge and the orgnaisers only ask that you bring your open mind and warm heart, and a parent or gardien if you are under age. Please feel free to contact Helen or Mark Woodsford-Dean for further information on [email protected]
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