With beds available by the night and a welcome guaranteed, Edens Yard (NOW CLOSED) in beautiful Cornwall near St Austell is ideal for walkers, and holiday makers alike.
This is what I (Bronia, social media manager at Independent Hostels) and my friend Lily (tiktok content creator at Independent Hostels) got up to at during our 48 hour stay.
Edens Yard Backpackers (NOW CLOSED) – This hostel was centred around a communal courtyard. We loved the friendly, relaxed vibe which Julia (the host) had created. There is a large table in the courtyard which all social activities are centred around. I slept in a converted barn loft and the room was cosy, clean, and comfortable.

The Eden Project – The Eden Project is just a 20-minute walk from the hostel. It is an incredible place to visit, and I was awestruck the whole time. So many beautiful plants to see and nooks and crannies to explore. I would definitely go back, but probably not during the summer holidays.

The curry that Julia made at the hostel – For £8 per head, Julia cooks a communal meal every evening. The night we stayed we had a vegetable curry. It was so delicious that I had thirds!

The huge portion of chips at the Britannia – We were very hungry one evening and ended up at an unassuming pub. For only £6, we got the largest portion of cheesy chips I have ever had.

Salted Caramel ice cream at the Eden Project – At the Eden Project, I had a salted caramel ice cream, it was one of the nicest ice creams I have ever had!

Lovely dogs – The hostel had two beautiful dogs called Simba and Denzel. They were so friendly however Simba wanted to steal our knitting and escape out of the yard with it!

Lovely walkers – Eden’s Yard Backpackers is one of the friendliest hostels I have ever stayed in. We met many people from different walks of life and lots of interesting long-distance walkers.

Grumpy bus drivers! – We met a bus driver who was adamant our stop was not on his route. Despite showing him a map with his route and our stop on it, he was convinced we were on the wrong bus. He blamed our incompetence on the fact we were tourists. So please bear in mind some locals might be completely fed up with tourists! Turns out we were on the right bus and we got off at the stop we wanted after all!